Friday, 30 March 2012

The Thong!

In celebration of most of my thongs now being in the garbage, I thought I should write a blog entry on why I did so and why thongs are so not good for your vagina.

First of all, thongs are normally made out of some sort of unnatural material, which allows them to stretch, like nylon or rayon. If you are going to wear thongs, make sure at least the 'crotch' part of the pantie is cotton. In fact, if you experience vaginal itching of any sort, you should always opt for cotton underwear, thong or not. Cotton allows the vagina to breathe, as well allows sweat to evaporate more readily, and makes it less likely that your pubic region is going to produce sweat.

Secondly, the string at the back of the thong that sits right near your, for lack of better terms, anus, or perineum, can serve as a 'transportation device' for bacteria to travel to your vagina. Bum bacteria getting into your vagina is a big no-no, and is not something that you want happening. It can lead to all sorts of problems.

Furthermore, as you move around during the day, thongs tend to rub and can cause micro-tears in the delicate skin around your vulva and clitoris, which can then create easy access for bacteria. Because of this, NEVER wear a thong when working out.

Thongs are also quite constricting, which can limit air flow, and your vagina needs to breathe.

Anyway, if you experience recurrent yeast infections, itching, or problems of any kind down there, switch to cotton boy-short panties and your vagina will thank you!