Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Decidual Casts #2

Well, I had another decidual cast last night. At least this time I wasn't as alarmed, since I knew what the thing was. It is now in a bag in my purse; if I get a chance to see the doctor soon, I will show him (yes, my doctor is male. I do feel slightly uncomfortable talking to him about some things, and this is why I need a gynecologist- preferably female... But ah well, when I bring up my vagina, he does try to help out the best he can and doesn't seem too awkward about it all. I wonder what he would do if I did end up showing him that piece of my uterine wall...). So anyway, I need to do more research on these things, and see why exactly they are formed. I'm wondering if it's because of my seasonale (the birth control that only makes me have my period 4 times a year). Maybe my uterus was getting tired of not shedding it's lining, and so decided to do it in one swift move. I am honestly hoping having more than one in a few months is not a symptom of some disease or cancer or something. I'm sure I'm just overreacting, as always. More to come on this. Oh, and this may be gross, but here's a picture of what a decidual cast (my decidual cast) looks like: (squeamish people, don't look at these)

Now I've just gone too far, right? Oh well, if you want to know about decidual casts, you should know what they look like.


  1. It's caused by the progesterone in hormonal birth control. It's not really common it's more rare. But I think that if more women got a proper diagnosis on what it is and were properly informed on where these come from and what they are caused by then maybe they wouldn't be so rare!

  2. I just wanted to let you know, this helped me tremendously! I commend you for being so brave and objective about the female body! I understand that sometimes these issues can be seen as private matters, which shouldn't be shown in the public light. Yet, let me tell you...from the perspective of a woman looking for answers after years of searching, I finally found someone who was willing to subject themselves to scrutiny to help a soul like me even if in a minute way! I was terrified when I passed what you called a decidual cast...I kept it and took it into the doctor. They told me they had never seen something like that before and told me it might be a miscarriage. They asked if I had pain and I said no, and they told me to move on. This is the first time I have seen anyone put a name to it! So, thank you thank you thank you....this lady can rest easy tonight knowing I am not dying of some sort of uterine cancer! :D

  3. Did any of you who passed a decidual cast keep it or did you dispose of it?
