Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Spitting on Yeast Infections

This just in, using spit as a lube may cause a yeast infection. I know what you're thinking, and I'm thinking it too. "Ewwwwwwwwwwww!" Also, if a man/woman (I'm no homophobe) gives you oral sex, this could also cause a yeast infection, possibly from the spit in general, or from something that is known as 'thrush', which is basically just a yeast infection (candida) of the mouth. What causes thrush?? Certain medications such as birth control pills and antibiotics, stress and certain illnesses can all cause thrush. Partners can transmit this yeast to one another through the mouth and the genitals. Please, talk to your doctor if you suspect you or your partner have any sort of a yeast infection.
Symptoms of a thrush in the mouth are pain or difficulty swallowing, the feeling that a piece of food is lodged in the chest or throat, and possibly a fever. 
Symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection are: irritation, itching, thick white discharge, redness, soreness and swelling of the vagina and vulva. Causes of a vaginal yeast infection are many and include wearing clothes that are too tight, certain antibiotics or birth control pills, spermicides, perfumed toiletries (toilet paper!), lotions, and femenie hygiene products, douching or using tampons, or, of course, sexual contact (either oral or genital) with a carrier of the candida infection. (Source= avert.org/stds.htm).
NB: candida is often not considered a sexually transmitted disease/infection, because sex is not required for the infection to surface.
I hope this has taught you a thing or two about yeast infections!

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