Saturday 28 January 2012

Breast Health

Ladies, girls, please, do your breast self exams, check for any changes or lumps in your breasts, and report back to your doctor if you find anything that is not normal, or that concerns you.

Healthy breasts come in a variety of shapes, sizes and textures, including lumpy. Your breasts can go through a variety of healthy changes in your lifetime, but it doesn't hurt to tell your doctor about these changes when you experience them, especially if you find any of the following abnormalities:

  • Distinct single lumps that are either hard or soft
  • Changes in breast shape. This can include dimpling (depression), bulges, or flattening. 
  • Changes in skin colour or texture. This can include redness, skin that has the texture of an orange peel, thickening, roughness or puckering. 
  • Bloody or cloudy discharge
  • Breast sores that don't heal
  • Changes in nipple location or shape

Causes of breast changes can include: hitting puberty, the menstrual cycle, weight changes, pregnancy, menopause and birth control pills.

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